8 Routines That Can Make You Productive

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Everyone wants to be more productive with whatever they do or where they work. Staying on track with your tasks and working towards your goals leaves you with a euphoric feeling. This is where having a structured routine can help to make you more productive and eliminate distractions. Read on to find out:

No snooze.

Don’t set your clock with snoozes. This could disrupt your REM sleep which could reduce coping skills and induce migraines, leading to an unproductive day. It also confuses your body about your sleeping time, which can drain you.

Stop this by going to bed at a reasonable time and go to sleep at that same hour every day, so that your body can get used to it.

Eat a proper breakfast.

You should start your day with your body fueled by the right nutrition that you can get with a proper breakfast.

Going to work or school running on nothing but bread or coffee will make you unfocused and less productive. Eating breakfast will help you keep going throughout the day.

Breathe and take a break.

Whether you’re studying or working, don’t forget to rest your eyes and mind for a while. Take a walk, talk to your colleagues, breathe. The break will make you feel refreshed and ready for your tasks again.

Be kind to you.

It’s easy to spare a kind word or smile to other people, but we find it hard to do this to ourselves. There are times that you’ll fail or fall, but what’s important is picking yourself up and recognising that it’s part of being human. Be more understanding of yourself.

Keep the nice things in life in mind.

Celebrate the small wins and write down the things you are grateful for. You can do this as soon as you get in your office or late at night, before going to bed. These will help you stay motivated and be more productive.

Create a game plan for the next day.

Having your plans and tasks laid for the next day out will lead to fewer distractions and more productivity. Having a clear idea of what you need to do will help you accomplish them and gives you the freedom to do them when you want.

Write those tasks before going to bed, and decide which ones you need to accomplish before noon and which ones you can do after. By doing this, your mind can now work out ideas and solutions so you can accomplish tasks easily.

Remember what you’re striving for.

Review your goals at least once a day so that you’ll be reminded of the things you need to do and to set your mindset into being productive. Think of your goals as your map—without it, you’ll be lost, not knowing the right directions.

Prepare your things for tomorrow.

It’s a pain rushing through your morning—missing your alarm, not having time to eat breakfast, hurrying, hurrying, hurrying. This can ruin your flow for the rest of day. A way to solve this is to prepare everything you’ll need for the next day. Lay out your clothes. Set out your breakfast. Pack your lunch, if possible. Doing these can help you take your time in the mornings—knowing that everything is in place and prepared.

These little routines will only work if you really want it to work—and that requires consistency. Keep on doing them until it becomes second nature and you’ll just find yourself having a more productive life.

How does these routines work for you? Let me know in the comments!

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