Keynote Speaking


Passion and Purpose

Carolyn speaks with passion as she delivers keynotes on the importance of living a passionate life. Discovering your life’s purpose does not happen by accident but rather a series of diligent and consistent actions that you take on a day to day basis. Living a passionate life is for the courageous. You have to go against the grain of what society has dictated to you. Her own journey from being totally disconnected to what was important for her to now being connected and living a life of purpose will leave you amazed, encouraged and excited about taking new actions to help you live the life that you were destined to live. A life of vibrance, contribution and love.


Building Community

Carolyn is passionate about connecting people and building community. Her passion is a direct result of her own life’s journey of letting herself get isolated emotionally over many years. She believes that authentic connection  is the building block to a transformed world. We have for too long lived as though we are separate from each other and the time has come for us to shift from separateness to connectedness. Quantum Physics has proven that everything in our entire cosmos is interconnected.  It is the illusion of separateness that has caused every crisis situation we face on our planet today and when we remember our connectedness and embody it, we will transform our world effortlessly. Her own life’s journey has taught her that she could not manage on her own.  She needs others. Sharing stories from her own life, Carolyn will leave you feeling inspired to get more authentically connected with people. To move from independence to interdependence.  A very relevant keynote for the times we are currently facing.
